
Cabe launches guide to shake up supermarket design

 Cabe has today released a report critical of the plan hope to make supermarkets rethink the design of the quality of their projects.

16 page document was based on reviews by watchdog designed to Agenda 30 major projects across the country.
Known as supermarkets, led by the development of assets and liabilities, official says supermarkets are guilty of too many anti-design for the development of out - of - Town is a city that is smaller than zero.
Richard Cabe Simmons, chief executive officer, added that retailers have been placing the economic short-term than the loss of character.
Development Report singles out Sainsbury in Fulham, West London, that is a good example of the development because it was created after the small shop and living quarters to avoid dominating the scene street
Design by Liftschutz Davidson Sandilands has been submitted to the planning and will include nearly 500 houses.
But the report also discusses a number of projects - including projects for Collado Collins Tesco at Bromley - Bow in east London by - which it says shows designed "weak [which] will result in a significant project. liability to the local. More assets, location affect how to look and feel. "
Cabe also said that the format used too much mix that offers the villagers get to the parking basement with one side of the majority of them, and turned north, leaving them without. more sunlight